Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The evaluation of the first Bahname written in Turkish in the Ottoman Era concerning current urology. Turk J Urol. Our study investigated the oldest known Turkish bahname, translated by Musa b. First, the original manuscript of the translation was transcribed in Latin. The final version of the text was analyzed in the results. In discussion, findings were examined and interpreted within the framework of current knowledge of sexology, urology, and andrology. Although the work mostly mentions supportive and therapeutic practices in sexual health, it also provides advice on sexuality and sexual life, discussing several topics regarding sexual intercourse types, explaining which ones are good or harmful, and their timing or frequency. The author recommends many foods and compounds or specific drugs and ointments to enhance sexual stamina and avoid erectile dysfunction. In addition, he also tries to find solutions to some other sexual health problems related to men and women. These issues are generally evaluated in the context of health; a religious perspective is also provided when needed. Nevertheless, some information and suggestions in works are entirely irrational and unscientific. Consequently, this study is an original investigation of the first translated bahname into Turkish. There is no other study examining the bahnames with this method. Thus, we believe that our work will be a significant contribution to the research literature. This is the first study that investigated the bahnames in comparison with the current literature. The author recommends many foods and compounds, or specific drugs and ointments, consistent with the current literature, to enhance sexual stamina and prevent erectile dysfunction. The author synthesized empirical information with experiences from the past in the bahname while dealing with sexual life and sexual health issues. The bahnames, an essential part of the Islamic medical corpus, generally address sexuality, sexual behavior, sexual dysfunctions, and protective, supportive, and therapeutic applications in this field. Additionally, such books may include social issues such as sexual life, family institution, marriage and pregnancy, measures to facilitate or prevent conception, problems during pregnancy, medical information about newborn How Many Sex Types Are There, and even child-rearing and upbringing. Many physicians wrote such works in different periods of Islamic and Ottoman medical history. Ali Haydar Bayat identified 45 different bahnames across all periods of Islamic civilization, including 21 in Arabic, 6 in Persian, and 14 in Turkish. Dawla in the fourteenth century. Additionally, the first known Turkish bahname in the Ottoman Empire is the translation by Musa b. Among the Bahnames in Ottoman era, especially those presented to the Sultanes are decorated with colorful miniatures, while those written for the public include no pictures or figures. The Bahname-i Padişahi translated by Murat b. Mesud is one of the first examples of the Ottoman era. Unlike most of the bahnames, it does not contain pictures and figures. Bahnames included more figures and became more pornographic after the nineteenth century. In this study, we submit the transcription of an original text in the Ottoman medical history and its comparative evaluation with the current literature. Therefore, we did not require any Ethics Committee Approval, and such a study is not within the scope of Clinical Research Ethics Committees. The chapter and folio numbers mentioned in our study for the bahname that was translated by Musa b. How Many Sex Types Are There image of the copy registered at the Library of Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine under call number Parts that could not be read due to the damages were read from the copies of the Suleymaniye Library, Sehid Ali Pasha Library, and the National Library and added to the transcription text. The final version of the transcribed text was analyzed in the results.
Sex therapy can be seen as a kind of cognitive behavioural therapy that is applied to couples with sexual problems. If one left a first mate for a second, the relationship to the first was not necessarily broken. The taro stalk, ha ancient one; breath of life , is the symbol of the primary male god, Kane. The buttocks of infants, males more than females, were molded so that they became rounded and not flat Handy and Pukui, , p. Often, polygamy involved siblings Morgan, , p. It may be possible to overcome these and similar problems by attending sex counselling.
Sexual Health Center
Types of treatment include individual psychotherapy, couple-oriented sex therapy, group therapy, self-help programmes and analytically oriented sex therapy. Accuracy of the sexual knowledge of. Numerous studies indicate that men (compared to women) tend to display relatively greater distress in response to sexual infidelity, whereas women (compared. The more accurate the sexual knowledge of adults the lower number of beliefs to sexual myths there are. Development of Selçuk Sexual Development Scale ( Months) and Examination of Sexual Development in Children.Honolulu: University of Hawaii, The World Health Organization WHO defines sexual health as the positive enrichment and strengthening of personality, communication, and love by considering sexual life as a whole in terms of physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects. Holt, Ed. Johnson, R. Thurston, A. It was seen as being an appropriate aspect of adult care of nonadults, a necessary chore. London: Robinson, Different extracts from plants, animals, and organs and various formulations of their mixtures are used for similar purposes. For this reason, brief sexual therapies that focus on sexual problems are preferred. One well-known folk song, still sung, uses the vowels as erotic expressions; their elongated sounds are highly sexual: aaaaaaa, eeeeeee, iiiiiii, ooooooo, uuuuuuu Johnson, Bacterial vaginosis BV. These include: society's view of sexuality, education, incomplete or wrong information, stereotypical wrong thoughts about sexuality, psychiatric disorders, incompatibility in the relationship, loss of attraction between couples, cheating, psychological problems during pregnancy and after childbirth, sexual problems in the partner, physical and sexual violence. Başa dön. I and II. Bacterial vaginosis BV. Various reviews indicate that oral therapy is a promising method for groups of patients who cannot be treated by intra-cavernous injection due to drug interactions or non-responsiveness, needle fear. By her own admission, she had not fewer than 40 sexual partners and usually several concurrently Thurston, December 10, , Kailua. Current literature leaves the spouses wholly free and does not set any limits in terms of sexual frequency. In addition, some of the information presented was obtained through interviews with Hawaiians, including kupuna 2 elders , who pass down what they know as traditional. Problems in one or more of these phases cause sexual dysfunction. The idols were uncovered during the daytime but wore malo in the evening. Add Cancel. Herbenick et al 36 , 37 reported that sex devices such as vibrators and dildos are frequently recommended to patients; another article stated that vibrators are an important option in the hands of clinicians to increase sexual function and respond to certain sexual problems. In a meta-analysis investigating the relation between cycling and erectile dysfunction, Gan et al 12 stated a positive correlation between cycling and erectile dysfunction. Photograph taken by M Diamond. Sex was seen as being positive and pleasurable, and although many cultural precepts existed concerning nonsexual aspects of life, the attitude toward sex was comparatively open and permissive. Author Contributions: Concept — M. New York: Da Capo Press, Buttocks In the perspective of traditional Hawaiians, the buttocks were related to sexuality and the genitals. Valeri, V. The work must have been written as a result of careful observation and profound experience.