Subscribe here for the full series, or watch previous episodes here. An invading force numbered by Herodotus at two million men is advancing out of Persia, accompanied by a fleet of a thousand ships. The only feasible route for a force of that size into central Greece is via the narrow pass at Thermopylae, between the mountains and the sea. The Spartans and their allies about four thousand armored infantrymen from other Greek states arrive first and occupy the pass. They and their allies prepare themselves physically and mentally to make their stand against the foe. The Persians arrive in force. Their army makes camp a mile or so down the trail from the pass. Xerxes sends a messenger to demand that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas replies, Molon labe. Day One, Enemy At The Gates Sex Scene Persians attack. Wave after wave, nation after nation is hurled at the Greek position. The defenders resist with spectacular courage, killing massive numbers of the invaders and suffering heavy casualties themselves. The sea protects their right flank. Is there a path around the mountain that shields their left? Yes, they learn. Leonidas sends a detachment to defend this. Day Two. The Persians again attack in wave after wave and again are repulsed. Their approach should take all night. Spartans raid the Persian camp. In desperation a night attack is launched by a small party of Spartans, hoping to penetrate the Persian camp in darkness and kill the king. The attack reaches the camp and even penetrates it, but ultimately fails. Day Three, morning. The Persian Immortals have overwhelmed the defenders guarding the mountain pass. They are advancing rapidly. Within an hour they will have encircled the Greek position, cutting off all escape, and will be preparing to attack from behind. Leonidas is faced with a fatal decision: pull out or stand and die. Leonidas releases the allied Greeks and sends them home, to fight another day. The surviving members of his Three Hundred will stay and fight to the finish. Leonidas in a pre-battle speech explains why — to buy time for the rest of the Greek states to rally … and to inspire these with their valor and their sacrifice. One detachment of allies from the city of Thespia volunteers to stay with the Three Hundred. So do many of their own servants of the battle train, the squires and armor-bearers of individual Spartan warriors. Persians attack from front and rear. Persians march on through the now-open pass into the central part of Greece. The population of Athens has abandoned their city and taken to their ships. The situation appears hopeless. But two final battles are fought, one at sea — the battle of Salamis — and one on land, at a city called Plataea. The Greeks win both. The Athenian fleet routs the Persians.
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