To browse Academia. This paper deals with Psychology of women and the causes of decline mental health among Pakistani women and family support system which makes them stable and resilient. Women are the most essential part of our society; without women our society cannot move. Researcher used case study method. In this qualitative research a sample of 10 respondents was selected by using purposive sampling from Multan city for in-depth study. The study concluded the causes of mental disorder were domestic violence, Iranlı eskort linda perez marriages, marriages as migration from rural to urban areas, none of cultural adjustment. Cross-cultural differences in the diagnosis of depression. The DSM-5 describes that major depressive disorder as a state or condition manifest by feelings of unhappy or sadness, guilt or emptiness; sleep problems and loss of interest in daily activities. In many cases, individuals exhibiting the sign and symptoms of major depressive disorder also experience considerable change in weight. Major depressive disorder can be diagnosed across the lifespan and is most common among girls and women American Psychiatric Association, The sample of working and non-working-females had been taken from various commercial and residential areas of city of Karachi, Pakistan via technique of purposive sampling. This group of women was divided in to two equal numbers of working and non working- women. Their age range was 28 years to 45 years. The Mean M age of the sample was The permission from the respective authorities was taken adapting the proper procedure. An informed consent from these female subjects and the demographic forms had got furnished. In order to interpret and analyze the data, De Burden of mental illness is huge in India as in other countries. In mental health and mental illness gender plays an important role. Apart from this many determinants also play an important role in women's mental health. At present the mental Iranlı eskort linda perez problems of women are spread all over the world especially in our country. World Health Organization WHO estimates, depression, is expected to be the second largest disease by the year In India the percentage of mental health affected women is little bit high compared with other countries. In the contemporary world, both men and women are in job for the survival of life. Job is mandatory to meet physiological, security, social, esteems, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualizing, and transcendences needs. Women are facing psychological problems at workplace which do not exclude women working in higher educational institutions. This may have an impression on mental health and be a reason behind symptoms of mental disturbances, angry, depression, inactive or poor health. Work environmental is good for physical and mental health at the same time bad working environment leads to illness of human being. Harassment and bullying at work place are normally reported issues and might have a considerable adverse impact on mental health. An organization will take actions that may promote physiological health within the work environment such actions may provide good result. Depression at the workplace is a leading cause of loss of work productivity, leave and premature retirement. Social and cultural pressures play a significant role in the development of depressive disorders. Women are at a greater risk of experiencing depressive disorders because they always become the subject of Iranlı eskort linda perez and cultural pressure. This paper presents the case study of a year-old female who developed symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder MDD due to cultural constraints. Diagnosis was made according to DSM After exploring the causal factors of her problem and conducting diagnostic sessions, therapeutic sessions were also conducted.
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