Informations complémentaires sur demande. About 13, documents listed. Additional data on request. Zazaki Index. Importance : p. Langues : Français fre Index. ISBN : Récit. Becker Not 0530 161 0743 Escort the Rabbinic academies, the East-Syrian schools were innovative as centres of learning where study was formally institutionalized, in contrast to the informal study circles of the past. This school culture played an important role in the early translation of Greek philosophical texts into Arabic in the 'Abbasid period. The most influential and prominent of these schools was the School of Nisibis, and this volume provides an annotated translation of the major sources for the School. A polemical document composed by Simeon of Bet Arsham, a theological enemy of the School, describes the foundation of the School as a significant step in the supposed spread of 'Nestorianism' throughout the Sasanian Empire. The more extensive East-Syrian Cause of the Foundation of the Schools offers a history of learning from God's creation 0530 161 0743 Escort the world to the time of the text's composition at the School of Nisibis in the late sixth century CE, recasting patriarchal, Israelite, 'pagan' and Christian history as a long series of schools. The last two chapters of the Ecclesiastical History describe the lives of the two most important head exegetes at the School. ISBN : : This book should be of interest to students of politics and international relations. Systèmes d'écriture. Poser des questions. Histoire et souvenirs. Un peuple. Un pays. Dış Işleri BakanlığıAuteur. Publication faite à compte d'auteur au Royaume-Uni. Langues : Anglais eng Index. AkrawyAuteur. ISBN : Tentative de définition grammaticale d'un langage kurde unifié. Nouvelles Index. Irak Histoire. Kurdistan Empire ottoman république. Irak Saddam démographie. Irak Conflits ethniques Conflits. Il libro mette in evidenza il complesso intreccio dei problemi politici e strutturali della "nazione" irachena: le tensioni e i conflitti derivati dalla composizione demografica tra sunniti, sciiti e kurdi; i motivi e le conseguenze della supremazia dei sunniti; l'inestinguibile lotta per il potere tra leader di clan rivali; le ragioni dei conflitti con i Paesi vicini. Présentation : Ill. It deals with changing moods of Turkey and Iran, the Arab-Israeli conflict in the context of big power rivalry in the Middle East, the Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean, and the new Soviet interest in Gulf oil. The author also reviews the changing orientations of Middle Eastern communism in the new age of polycentrism. Borrowing, a form of language contact, occurs on all levels of language structure. In the pre-standard literary Kurdish Kirmanci and Sorani which emerged in the pre-modern period, borrowing from Arabic and Persian was a means of developing a 0530 161 0743 Escort literary and linguistic tradition. By contrast, in standard Sorani and Kirmanci, borrowing from the state languages, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, is treated as a form of domination, a threat to the language, character, culture, and national distinctness of the Kurdish nation. The response to borrowing is purification through coinage, internal borrowing, and other means of extending the lexical resources of the language. As a subordinate language, Sorani is subjected to varying degrees of linguistic repression, and this has not allowed it to develop freely.
Dolayısıyla mezar odasında yer alan bireylerin üzerlerine erguvan renkli ve altın içeren bir tekstil örtülmüş olması olasıdır. Element içerikleri açısından femur ve tarak kemiklerinde farklılıklar görülmüştür. Şekil 1: Daskyleion Dascyleum antik şehrinin konumu. Ayrıca duygusal zekâ faktörlerinin bazı demografik özelliklere cinsiyet, medeni durum, yaş göre farklılık gösterdiği de tespit edilmiştir. Abstract: In this study, the accumulation of elements in the ribs and metatarsal and metacarpal bones of 25 individuals dated Neolithic period from the Tepecik-Çiftlik archaeological site within the Niğde province were analyzed. Tauris Année de publication : Importance : p.
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