In a dramatic turn, the DRC attempted to distance itself from the arbitration, claiming it was not bound by the contractual agreement. As the U. Glencore paid bribes to secure oil contracts. Glencore paid bribes to avoid government audits. Glencore bribed judges to make lawsuits disappear. At bottom, Glencore paid bribes to make money — hundreds of millions of dollars. And it did so with the approval, and even encouragement, of its top executives. By committing its own highly skilled, multi-jurisdictional legal team, CLG underscores the generational importance it attributes to this matter and its ardent belief in achieving justice. We, however, recognize that this ruling is a powerful statement: governments cannot use procedural tactics to avoid their obligations. The decision is not just a vital piece of what we hope could be a resounding victory for us but Tekirdağ Escort Bayan Tweter validation of our unwavering fight for accountability, fairness, and justice. This case is not simply about compensation, it is about upholding the rule of law and setting a precedent that no entity, no matter how powerful, is above honoring its commitments. The case is not only a milestone for CLG but also serves as a watershed moment for global anti-corruption efforts. It highlights the critical role legal professionals play in holding powerful entities accountable while demonstrating that procedural tactics cannot derail justice. As the case proceeds to the merits phase, CLG remains committed to achieving a resolution that upholds fairness, accountability, and the rule of law. The future of customs: how technology and partnerships are paving the way for global trade By Arnaud Bouraima. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By On Dec 19, Trending Stories. Continue Reading. Prev Post The Tekirdağ Escort Bayan Tweter of customs: how technology and partnerships are paving the way for global trade By Arnaud Bouraima. You might also like More from author. African Business. Prev Next. Leave A Reply. Sign in. Welcome, Login to your account. Forget password? Remember me. Sign in Recover your password. A password will be e-mailed to you.
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